

Docconvert can be installed through pip:

pip install docconvert


usage: docconvert [-h] [-i {guess,rest,epytext}] [-o {google,numpy,rest,epytext}]
                [--in-place] [-c CONFIG] [-t THREADS] [-v]

positional arguments:
source                The directory or file to convert.

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-i {guess,rest,epytext}, --input {guess,rest,epytext}
                      Input docstring style. (default: guess)
-o {google,numpy,rest,epytext}, --output {google,numpy,rest,epytext}
                      Output docstring style to convert to. (default: google)
--in-place            Write the changes to the input file instead of printing diffs.
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                      Location of configuration file to use.
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                      Number of threads to use. (default: cpu count)
-v, --verbose         Log more information.


Convert files in src/mypackage to google using 4 threads.

docconvert --output google --threads 4 src/mypackage/

Convert file src/mypackage/ from rest to google.

docconvert --input rest --output google src/mypackage/

Custom Configuration

You can configure optional conversion arguments in a json config file. Just specify a config filepath to the commandline tool.

docconvert --config path/to/config.json src/mypackage/

Example configuration file:

    "input_style": "rest",
    "output_style": "google",
    "accepted_shebangs": [
    "output": {
        "first_line": true,
        "replace_quotes": "\"\"\"",
        "standard_indent": "    ",
        "tab_length": 4,
        "realign": true,
        "max_line_length": 72,
        "use_optional": false,
        "remove_type_back_ticks": "true",
        "use_types": true,
        "separate_keywords": false

Let’s walk through the configuration options currently available.


"input_style": "rest"

This option lets you specify the input style directly if you know it. By default, input style is guessed by looping through docstring lines, and matching on the first parser that recognizes a line.


"output_style": "google"

Specify the output docstring style. Defaults to google.


"accepted_shebangs": [

Provide a list of file shebangs that are considered python scripts. If a file does not have an extension, docconvert will check if the file’s first line starts with a shebang (#!) and contains an item in the accepted shebang list. By default only shebangs that contain “python” will match.

For example, with the default settings, if a file starts with #!python2.7 it will match, but a file starting with #!jython would not.


All configuration under the output key is output specific options.


"first_line": true

If first_line is true, the output docstring’s first line will be adjacent to the docstring starting quotes. Default is True.


"quotes": "\"\"\""

Specify the docstring quotes as single or double. By default uses source quotations.


"standard_indent": "    "

Specify the standard indentation for the project. Defaults to 4-spaces.


"tab_length": 4

Define the length of a tab in spaces. If standard_indent is defined with tabs, this value will be used to calculate line lengths for realigning. Defaults to 4.


"realign": true

Realign continuous descriptions, wrapping to max line length. Defaults to True.

For example, a rest docstring like

:param input: This is the input dict. Make sure it is a good dict
    with lots of happy items.
:type input: collections.OrderedDict

would be realigned to a google docstring with max_line_length: 72 as

    input (collections.OrderedDict): This is the input dict. Make
        sure it is a good dict with lots of happy items.


"max_line_length": 72

Specify max line length used in realignment. Defaults to the PEP8 docstring length of 72 characters.


"use_optional": false

If True, append optional to parameter types that are keywords. Defaults to False.

If separate_keywords is True, optional is dropped from all type definitions.


"remove_type_back_ticks": "true"

Remove back ticks from types. Defaults to “true”. If this is on, isolated back ticks around type definitions are removed. This option has 3 modes:

  • "false": No back ticks will be removed.
  • "true": Back ticks will be removed, except from sphinx directives. For example:
    • `list` of `str` becomes list of str
    • :py:class:`Test` stays as :py:class:`Test`
    • lot`s of `bool`s becomes lot`s of bools
  • "directives": All back ticks, including directives, will be removed. For example:
    • `list` of `str` becomes list of str
    • :py:class:`Test` becomes Test
    • lot`s of `bool`s becomes lot`s of bools


"use_types": true

Use types in argument output. Defaults to True. If False, argument, keyword-argument, and attribute type definitions will be skipped. This could be turned False for Python 3, where Sphinx recognizes annotations.


"separate_keywords": false

Separate keyword-arguments into their own docstring section. Defaults to False. If set to False, all keyword-arguments are documented with the other arguments.